Wednesday 8 May 2013

Mòd Ionadail Dhùn Èideann

Ghabh mòran sgoilearan 'Ghilleasbuig pàirt anns a' Mhòd sa Ghiblean.  Nochd sluagh mòr airson na fairpis bliadhnail is bha latha air leth aig a h-uile duine a bha an sàs innte.

Rinn clann na h-àrd-sgoile fìor mhath, is iad a' cosnadh cnap mòr dhuaisean anns na diofar fairpisean. Bha na britheamhan uile gu math toilichte le na fairpisichean, a-thaobh ìre an cuid Ghàidhlig agus cho misneachail 's a bha iad air an àrd-ùrlar.  Bha na tidsearan cuideachd uabhasach moiteil asta, is iad a' taisbeanadh nan sgilean aca air beulaibh an t-sluaigh.

Tha sinn mar-thà a' smaoineachdainn mun ath-bhliadhna, feuch am faigh sinn tuilleadh fhairpisichean an sàs sa ghnothach.

Bu mhath leinn taing mhòr a thoirt do mhuinntir a' Mhòid.  Chuir iad latha sònraichte air dòigh agus tha sinn fada nan comainn airson an cothrom seo a thoirt dhuinn.

Chithear an liosta slàn de na toraidhean an seo:

Many student at JGHS took part in the Edinburgh Mòd last month.  A big crowd turned out for the annual competition and a fantastic day was had by all.

The JGHS cohort did very well on the day, taking home a good stack of medals.  The judges were very complimentary regarding their level of Gaelic and how confident and comfortable they were on the stage.  The teachers were also very proud to see pupils exhibit their talents for all to see.

We are already looking ahead to next year, especially in terms of increasing the participation of JGHS pupils.

A huge thanks goes to the organisers.  It was an excellent competition and we are very grateful to them for allowing us the chance to participate in such an event.

Full results can be seen here: