Sunday 13 January 2013


Fàilte uile gu blog na Gàidhlig  Àrd-Sgoil Sheumais Ghilleabuig. Mar tha fhios agaibh tha an t-uabhas tachartasan a’ gabhail àite san Roinn Ghàidhlig agus an seo bidh sinn a’ toirt seachad fiosrachaidh mun rudan seo a bharrachd air na tachairtasan eile anns a bheil na sgoilearan Gàidhlig an sàs.

A thuilleadh air a sin tha dùil againn roghainn de dh’obair na cloinne a chur suas bho àm gu àm a’ taisbeanadh tàlant agus comas nan sgoilearan a th’ againn an seo.

Tha sinn an dòchas gun còrd e ribh agus gun till sibh a dh’aithgthearr.

Mr Neithercut.

Welcome to The James Gillespie’s High School Gaelic Blog. As you all know there is always something happening in The Gaelic Department  and we intend to use this blog to pass on information about these events and also other Gaelic medium events that the Gaelic students are involved in.

We also hope to put some of the pupils work here from time to time exhibiting the talent and abilities of our pupils.

We hope that you will enjoy our blog and that you come back soon.

Mr Neithercut